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Breakout Session Descriptions

ABC’s of Disability Accommodation

Are you an employee but unsure of how the reasonable accommodation (RA) process is supposed to work? Fear not! This session, in straightforward fashion, will provide key definitions and answers on who is an individual with a disability, what it takes to be qualified, how the interactive process should work after a request for a RA, and the undue hardship and direct threat defenses. Come with questions, and work through specific real-world RA scenarios that will get you up to speed on disability accommodations.

Beyond Consultation: Maintaining Gov-to-Gov Partnerships Over Time

The U.S. Department of Energy manages facilities throughout the Pacific Northwest and the agency's activities affect the interests of tribes and their members. This session will explore some of the important ways DOE is working to go beyond consultation by maintaining effective government-to-government partnerships over time. The session will describe recent DOE co-management policies, updated consultation actions plans, and steps taken to assure access, protection, and proper stewardship of sacred places. Highlights include fisheries, research, regional partnerships, and other arrangements that provide a foundation for deeper partnerships, not just short-range consultation activities.

Bison and Healthy Indigenous Foods 

This session will introduce the concept of Native food supply chain development and discuss partnership building and the importance of sourcing for nutrition and economic development. This conversation will cover Tocabe’s mission of Seed to Soul ranging from plants to bison.

Communication Skills Needed for Effective Feedback

Receiving informal and formal feedback is amazing.  It can be structured to provide effective and lasting impacts on your work.

  • This session will help participants learn why the way we deliver feedback is important.  Learn ways to deliver a message that people can accept; and how to accept offered feedback in return.  A brief discussion of ways to handle negative conflict while giving feedback will also be discussed.

Effective communication skills are a way to improve morale, have clear expectations and improve performance.  Learn how to use these skills to give and receive effective feedback in person and in a virtual work environment.

Cross Generational Communication: How Can All Five Generations Work Together Effectively

By having 5 generations all working together, we can reap the benefits that each generation offers by understanding how they were affected and shaped by the times in which they lived.

  • Join and discuss how this knowledge can be used to learn better communication skills, deal with change, increase productivity and develop a more respectful workplace.

Learn and understand the differences between the generations.  Tips on how to work with each generation to enable a more productive workplace, even in a virtual environment.

Expanding Tribal Choice in the Delivery of Federal Resources and Programs to Their Citizens and Communities

Join this session to learn more about a variety of legal authorities and mechanisms, including Self-Determination contracts, Self-Governance compacts, and 477 agreements, that Tribal Nations can use for the delivery of federal resources and programs that serve their citizens and communities. We will also discuss Executive Order 14112, its relationship to Self-Governance, and current legislative initiatives to expand Self-Governance authority to more federal agencies.

Federal Indian Policy and the Origin of Tribal Employment Rights Offices (TERO)

This session provides an overview of federal Indian policy regarding tribal employment rights and Indian preference. Agency hiring officials often have questions about tribal employment rights, like: Does Indian preference apply to projects my agency funds? When can a tribe use Indian preference under a federally funded program? Can non-tribal agencies use Indian preference when hiring? Are tribal members protected under civil rights laws and policies? Attendees will learn why TEROs were established and why they remain important today.

Honoring Tribal Sovereignty Through Government Service

This session explores foundational concepts of tribal sovereignty and how public service careers can strengthen the nation-to-nation relationship between the United States and Tribal Nations. Tribal nations are political entities possessing the inherent right to self-govern under the U.S. Constitution, treaties, statutes, Executive Orders, and court decisions. After reviewing various aspects of sovereignty, participants will engage in a dynamic, interactive exercise designed to illustrate how key concepts apply when administering federal, state, or local government programs that may affect tribal interests. Participants will learn how government employees can honor Tribal sovereignty and the nation-to-nation relationship by applying the key concepts in their work and promoting them effectively within their own organization. Participants will also learn how regular and meaningful consultation and collaboration with tribal government officials in the development of federal policies and other federal actions that have tribal implications is an essential foundation for working with Tribal Nations and honoring the nation-to-nation relationship.

Hot Topic for Civil Rights

This session will cover current initiatives in the civil rights arena. These will include the Executive Orders on equity, anti-harassment efforts, and updated race and ethnicity data collection. Participants are welcome to bring other issues to the conversation in this lively interactive discussion.

Improve Processes, Enhance Performance, Transform your Agency with Process Improvement Strategies

  • Proactively identify, analyze, and improve existing processes within your organization.

  • Join us to learn ways to determine the best practices to streamline your processes for better efficiency and increased productivity.  Understand barriers that may interfere and how to overcome them.

  • What is brainstorming and how does it fit into process improvement?  How can brainstorming effectively improve products, services, and processes?

Learn the benefits of PI and walk away with ideas to incorporate into your organization to eliminate waste and implement a continuous process improvement plan.

Interagency Collaboration on Mineral Development on Indian Lands

Presentation of the roles BIA, BLM play in the role of mineral development on Indian lands and OSMRE’s role with coal development and reclamation on Indian Lands.  We will discuss how BIA & BLM collaborate on all mineral leases on Indian lands, and how OSMRE collaborates with BIA & BLM on its regulation of coal mines on Indian Lands. We will also discuss how we work with the tribal mineral owner and landowners. 

Leading through Crisis

In times of crisis, we must leverage the concept of Meta-Leadership. The concept of Met-Leadership was developed by the National Preparedness Leadership Institute at Harvard University. It is a guide for solving complex problems involving a number of stakeholders and describe a way to think and behave in an effective way. In this class, you will learn some of the tools Meta-Leaders use and understand how to apply them to your organization and especially during times of crisis. 

Now Is Your Time (Work/Life Integration) 

The demand on your time has never been greater.  Working productively, making good decisions, and maintaining cooperative relationships with others enable you to stay energized and focused.  Understand the importance of honoring your own time.  Visualize your future, and make it happen now.  Prioritize and choose your activities, and establish boundaries.  Manage multiple priorities and focus on the important and valid.  Recognize key components of effective goal setting through time management.  Plan your way to success; Create clearly defined goals; recognize the key components of goal setting.  Your confidence in time management will sky rocket.  You will find yourself experiencing fewer struggles and stress immediately.    Spectacular achievement is always preceded by spectacular preparation. Objectives:  Eliminating the most common time wasters, and taking more efficient control of daily tasks in your business, social and family lives. Spectacular achievement is always preceded by spectacular preparation. Entertainment-based Educational / Informative Inspirational / Life-changing. 

Protecting Cultural and Natural Resources: Kalispel Tribe of Indians Fire and Emergency Management Programs

The Kalispel Tribe of Indians fire safety and emergency management programs are expressions of tribal self-government and demonstrate how surrounding jurisdictions coordinate with the Tribe on a government-to-government basis. The federal emergency response framework encourages state, local, and tribal government authorities to work together on pre-disaster planning and hazard mitigation while managing natural resources. As part of the broader Pend Oreille County community, the Kalispel Tribe joined a planning partnership with the County, local governments, and special purpose districts to create a multi-jurisdictional "Hazard Mitigation Plan." Attendees will learn firsthand how the Kalispel Tribe of Indians demonstrates self-government by helping lead intergovernmental programs that address emergency planning and response activities throughout the county and region.

Removing Barriers to Employment Through Analysis

By the end of the session, participants will understand the employment barrier analysis process, be able to identify the employment data required to conduct barrier analysis and learn of tools to support the process.

Residential Schools

American Indian boarding schools, also known as Indian residential schools, were established in the United States from the mid-17th to the early 20th centuries with a primary objective of "civilizing" or assimilating

Native American children and youth into Anglo American culture. In the process, these schools denigrated Native American culture and made children give up their languages and religion.  My ancestors were forced to go to Carlisle, Concho and Riverside in Anadarko, Oklahoma.

These schools, were to as directed, "Kill the Indian in him and save the man": R. H. Pratt. We will start at the Trail of Tears and The Indian Relocation Act of 1956 (also known as Public Law 959 /Adult Vocational Training Program) a law intended to encourage Native Americans to leave Indian reservations, acquire vocational skills, and assimilate into the general population. In the end we will go over the notables that came out of the schools and how they fit in the current Bureau of Indian Education, who I worked for in Washington D.C.  

Restoring Our Connection to Natural and Cultural Resources

This session describes current efforts to restore meaningful connections between people and the natural and cultural resources from different perspectives. The five tribes of the Upper Columbia River Tribes (UCRT) are restoring habitat and hope for a future where native species that historically occupied the upper Columbia return to healthy and harvestable levels. The U.S. Department of Energy is also working to restore connection by partnering with tribes to administer innovative co-management policies and steps to assure access and to properly maintain sacred places, such as those at Laliik - a.k.a, "Rattlesnake Mountain" - on the Hanford Site. This session will help attendees understand how stewardship and partnership arrangements help restore connections between tribal members and their natural and cultural resources.

Social Security: With You Through Life’s Journey – An Overview of Your Retirement, Survivor, Disability, and Medicare Benefits

The course is designed to provide you a basic understanding of Social Security Administration (SSA) Retirement, Survivor, Disability, and Medicare programs.  You will also lean about what you can do online, when to file for benefits, and SSA’s special resource page for American Indians and Alaska Natives. 

Suicide Prevention in Indian Country

Join us in our mission to enhance suicide prevention awareness! This presentation is an open invitation to anyone interested in developing the knowledge and tools required to combat the silent epidemic of suicide. 

Recognizing warning signs is essential for averting potential tragedies. Participants in this session will learn
to identify the subtle yet significant signs of mental distress, including changes in behavior, mood, and communication, which are key indicators that someone may be struggling. A major obstacle to effective suicide prevention is the stigma surrounding mental health issues. Therefore, this presentation aims to debunk common myths and misconceptions that often prevent those suffering from seeking the help they need. Attendees will also learn about various mental health conditions, associated risk factors, and the best practices to provide support to those who are struggling. Finally, the presentation aims to empower participants with actionable strategies and tools to drive positive change within their families and communities. It fosters a proactive approach to mental health advocacy and suicide prevention, emphasizing the role of each individual in fostering a supportive environment. The question posed to everyone is simple yet profound: Are you ready to take an active role in the fight against suicide?

TEAM -Together Everyone Achieves More (Diversity)

Learning how to effectively work in a multicultural environment. Working together is progress, keeping together is success. This session encourages diversity leadership skills, builds confidence, self-esteem, and integrity. Discover ways to connect with others, learn tips for capitalizing on talents of a diverse team. Do you have unresponsive or difficult team members? Simply changing your approach will affect your success with others.

Your style of coaching has the power enhance relationships, open lines of communication, and improve your credibility with others. Recognize and respect those whose skills are strong enough to take you where you need to go. Together Everyone Achieves More.  This session encourages diversity and leadership skills, builds confidence, self-esteem, and integrity Entertainment-based Educational / Informative Inspirational / Life-changing. 

Tribal Relations and National Forests in the Pacific Northwest

The rights and interests of tribes and their members are directly impacted by National Forest stewardship. Issues include Treaty Rights and the Federal Trust Responsibility; Consultation; Cooperative Land Management and Planning; Subsistence Uses, Cultural Resources, and Indian Sacred Sites; Tribal Forest Protection Act; Business and Commercial Operations; Grants, Agreements, and Contracts - and more! This session will provide an overview of the National Forest Service tribal relations program in the Pacific Northwest and provide attendees with a deeper appreciation for how these ancient forest systems support tribal cultural survival and tribal treaty resources.

Tribes and the NRCS: Working together to help the land

The Natural Resources Conservation Service’s National Tribal liaison will discuss programs and opportunities available to Tribes; share Tribal successes; and examine career and education opportunities available to Tribal members looking to help people help the land.

TSP Contributions: Planning today for your financially healthy retirement

The future of your TSP account depends on decisions you make today, and your choices will directly affect the amount of your retirement income. This session will review contribution sources and limits, as well as the rules for automatic and matching contributions. We will also discuss the differences between Traditional and Roth contributions and the rationale behind choosing one over the other. We also go over the options for rolling into the TSP, retirement plan savings you might hold in other eligible retirement plans. 

SAIGE 21st National Training Program
Northern Quest Resort & Casino, Spokane, WA

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